Building a caring society with Integrity, Friendship, Respect and Charity
Our Ideal Candidate should have a sense of humour and enjoy life. Though he may have risen to great heights he should not have forgotten his roots.
Given that the Lodge has a wide age range we are able to welcome new members at any point in their adult life. However, the younger the man who wishes to join the better for him.
Such is the nature of the Lodge that any person, of any calling, would fit in as long as they had a good sense of humour. A stuffed shirt would not be happy with us.
We would encourage any man over 21, who lives his life according to a set of values and who has a belief in a Supreme Being, to contact us. We will also welcome any existing Freemason looking to join a new Lodge. As with all Freemasonry, neither religion nor politics are discussed at meetings.
We seek as members those who can commit to a regular attendance at Lodge meetings and who wish to contribute to the life and work of the Lodge itself. We are particularly interested in candidates who can enhance our reputation for the ceremonial aspects of Freemasonry.
Want to Join?
Must I be invited – or can I ask? ... Just ask.
If you know a member of Prince of Wales Lodge just approach him and have a chat. Most of our members welcome talking to you about our lodge and helping you either join them or find a more suitable lodge that matches your personal and working life. Your family, working and personal life responsibilities are paramount to us as Freemasons and finding the correct Lodge is just as important.
If you do not know any Freemasons, then just get in touch with us via our website, or at the Province of Gloucestershire website.
More information about Freemasonry is available at the United Grand Lodge of England (UGLE) website.
To start your journey into Freemasonry, please complete this form: